Our First Station
Our First Station

Our First Station

FolkDreaming Of Screamin

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Our First Station

Our First Station


发表时间 2010-04-25



我一直不喜欢用文字写什么几把爱情,我觉得这东西是两个人之间的事,如此微妙的感情,写出来再发出来,不管多么海誓山盟惊天动地轰轰烈烈痛不欲生,也是给别人看的装比产物。但我必须承认的是,这是一首绝对的情歌,唱的是跟一个女孩的爱情,和跟一个城市几年的感情。这首歌的旋律模模糊糊在我脑子里很久了,借着一次回归式的旅行,终于让那种感情宣泄了出来,并且伴着一份至今我认为自己的恋爱史上最甜蜜的一段爱情。只是它已经不在了,那个next station也没有了。这首歌,留做纪念,or叫做祭奠。这也是我之所以非要为了1个小时的录制却跑到天津的录音棚录制的原因。

这首歌的创作灵感大概就是这样,我是在那次与她的旅途回来的第一天夜里写完了词,第二天夜里完成了旋律和吉他编配,其实我编的吉他伴奏挺简单,这个版本是电声版,弹唱版还没有来得及录。印象中有两次公开演唱过,一次是去年4月27日九月吉他社举办的《拥抱》演唱会上,还有就是今年1月16日在五道口The Ants酒吧我开的个人专场上。



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〖 Our First Station 〗



编曲: 黄乃金(于平顶山市飞翔音乐工作室录音棚)

音乐监制:王凯歌老师 (录制于天津凹凸文化唱片公司录音棚)

① Our first station is coming now . We are willing to embrace it
To hold you in my arms , going along with the happiness-train
wo...... It is coming now .
wo...... with the happiness-train

Follow the rising sun , kiss the dew
You love the singing and the smiles of mine
It is nothing but some feelings inside
We'll find a place where the sun still shine

Our first station , do you remember
I give wishes to you , but you never ask
Those simple days just you and me
No one like us , walking along in the street at middle of the night.


② Our first station has gone unwilled. We were happy to possess it
With the precious memories , coming back in our loving-plane
wo...... It has gone unwilled.
wo...... in our loving-plane

Now the pictures that the station left behind
Is the witness of our engagement
Some made us laugh , some made us cry
One that made us never to be divided

Our first station , we'll never forget
We promised we'll grow old with each other to the end
I may not say those words anymore
But , baby , I can make it my way !


So the next station is coming now... <END>

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