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12.8 Twelve.Eight

发表时间 2018-09-24


繁华闹市中的步伐可曾令你适应不来,迷失方向吗?孩时我们毫不吝啬与人分享梦想,但随着年纪渐长,肩膊上的责任及枷锁只会越来越多,即使谈谈抱负亦变得奢侈⋯⋯ 来吧,让我们一起把从前的感觉找回来!
What is the most precious element in your life: faith, love or dream? Ageing is inevitable. You can only live through every single moment once. However, this is also the best part of it. You are the god of your own story. If you want to run, run! If you want to fly, fly!

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Life, life is a one-way road
That's one way you can go
That's one way you can grow

Chase, chasing the dream we believe
Cause someday we'll be old
Cause we are getting old

It's you
Tell me why I'm living
It's you
You are the wind of my sailing

Run, running on faith and love
There's nothing (to) do without
Nothing (to) do without love

Fly, flying above the sea
My flight will never land
I wish we will never end

It's you
Tell me why I'm living
It's you
You are the wind of my sailing

Fly ...
(Life is a one-way road)
Fly ...
(Fly, flying above the sea)
(Life is one-way road)

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