Worldwide Journey
Worldwide Journey

Worldwide Journey

FolkUrban Canyon

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Worldwide Journey

Worldwide Journey


发表时间 2013-07-22




就在那时候,那样的状态,Staycool 开始此次专辑的录音制作期,丹丹希望我能写一首歌,我很想把当时的状态记录下来,但实在无法,直到在回国后几天,才写完这首歌。


常与挚友聊起,若我18, 20岁,故事就不会是这样的结果。也许就是多了几年的历练,或是人在外地间产生的寂寞,总结来说,都是平凡日子累积下的生活。

by Pongpong

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Worldwide Journey

Please read me a story at the end of conversation that
brings me to another place instead
The mountains or oceans whatever deep into emotions that
makes me fall for love once more
The story turns out sad
but it was happily ever after
Do we spin the world too fast
To wait for a good love to last
We will hold on to the breakable until we squeeze hard
right before letting go you know
Slow motion romance is a dangerous illusion so
buckle up your seat belt while we roll
Small talks warm touches are tricky invitation so
Keep your safe distance when off road
The journey turns out alone
but it was Morphine for your lonely soul
The journey turns out sad but it was
Aspirin for your broken heart
Do we spin the world too fast
To wait for a good love to last
We will hold on to the breakable until we squeeze hard
right before letting go you know

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