Be The Ocean
Be The Ocean

Be The Ocean


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Be The Ocean

Be The Ocean

Phoenix Island
Phoenix Island

发表时间 2021-06-05


每个人都会将自己很重要的那个人 摆在心中最特别的位置,


制作人 Producer | 高孟渊。
作曲 composer | Phoenix Island。
作词 Lyrics |林韦捷。
录音师 Recording Engineer | 梁祐钧Jim、高孟渊。
录音室 Recording Studio | 灰帽 Gray Hat Studio。
混音师 Mixing Engineer | 梁祐钧 Jim。
混音室 Mixing Studio | 灰帽 Gray Hat Studio。
母带后期处理工程师 Mastering Engineer |Alan Douches。
母带后期处理录音室 Mastering Studio | West West Side Music。
单曲视觉平面设计 Graphic Designer | 寇芯雨 Christine Kou
特别感谢|管伦忠、Rex Studio 李轩老师

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You words cut me in the rain
Get regret ?
Just learn something in my road
Baby I wanna know your change
I still understand

I willing to be ocean
You wanna be my rain?
Could promise that you’ll hold my hand and everything cannot make you leave me?
I feel lonely
The way, I’ll clasp your hand and never let you go
The jacket and the earring I’ll take care and never lose it

I’ll take care
Never lose it

This is a destiny
You made it. You love me
I know you want to show me
your crazy
But I missed it
mistake what I make
I Just want to say

I willing to be ocean
You wanna be my rain?
Could promise that you’ll hold my hand and everything cannot make you leave me?
I feel lonely
The way, I’ll clasp your hand and never let you go
The jacket and the earring I’ll take care and never lose it

This is a destiny
You made it. You love me
I know you want to show me
your crazy
But I missed it
mistake what I make
I Just want to say

So if you wanna change it that you never forgive
I feel guilty for your pain and my selfish escape
Why our tears fall and became ocean that never ends

Oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh oh
Oh oh


So if you wanna change it that you never forgive
I feel guilty for your pain and my selfish escape
Why our tears fall and became ocean that never ends

Oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh oh
Oh oh

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