Mary's Christmas
Mary's Christmas

Mary's Christmas


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Mary's Christmas

Mary's Christmas


发表时间 2013-12-24


Mary, Mary can't sleep.
Looking forward to her Christmas gift.
To find the secret in the chimney.
She can't even close her eyes but keep an ear to the ground.

Mary, Mary go sleeping.
Her Mom says to her and turn the light off.
Don't be mean. Don't be mean.
Santa always knows you were nice or naughty.

Sleep, sleep, my boy.
Have a good dream, my girl.

Santa Claus go around the world
only when children go to bed and fall asleep.
Charming box with ribbon in a bow.
Imaging the smiling face in the morning besides the tree.

Oh, oh, my boy.
Oh, oh, my girl.

Mary, Mary, this is for you.
Merry, merry Christmas.

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