time is up (English ver.)
time is up (English ver.)

time is up (English ver.)


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time is up (English ver.)

time is up (English ver.)

Studio Serenity
Studio Serenity

发表时间 2024-05-04


然我很渺小 但付出一份力气
越来越多人 可以改变整个世界

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(Verse 1)
Though I may be small, within me lies a spark,
With every ounce of strength, I'll make my mark.
As more join the cause, our voices unfurled,
Together we'll reshape the world.

Standing side by side, our spirits intertwine,
Hand in hand, our unity will shine.
With hearts ablaze, we'll take the flight,
Changing the world with all our might.

(Verse 2)
In whispers of hope, in smiles we find,
Strength to endure, in every kind.
With each step we take, our bond defined,
More souls unite, in purpose aligned.

Together we stand, a beacon in the dark,
Linked by love, we'll make our mark.
Through every trial, our resolve ignites,
Changing the world with our collective might.

In the depths of night, we'll brave the storm,
United in purpose, we'll transform.
Though the road is long, our spirit bright,
In unity's embrace, we'll take flight.

Gathering strength, we'll break through the night,
With unity's power, we'll set things right.
More hearts join the fight, our future in sight,
Changing the world with all our might.

More souls unite, in the journey we sow,
Changing the world, with unity's flow.

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