Neon Spotlight <Official Single>
Neon Spotlight <Official Single>

Neon Spotlight <Official Single>


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Neon Spotlight <Official Single>

Neon Spotlight <Official Single>

My Cat Eats My Hand
My Cat Eats My Hand

发表时间 2020-12-31


制作人 Producer|刘哲麟 Chelin Liu
编曲 Arranger|My Cat Eats My Hand
配唱制作人 Vocal Producer|刘哲麟 Chelin Liu
主唱 Vocal|徐彻天Chetien Hsu
电吉他 Electric Guitar|邹达平、徐彻天Chetien Hsu
电贝斯 Electric Bass|符真玮 Bassfufu
鼓 Drums |江力军 Leechun Jiang
钢琴 Piano|郭佳陵 Chialing Kuo
合成器 Synthesizer|刘哲麟 Chelin Liu、徐彻天 Chetien Hsu
和声编写 Backing Vocals Arranger|徐彻天Chetien Hsu、符真玮 Bassfufu、刘哲麟 Chelin Liu
和声演唱 Backking Vocals|符真玮 Bassfufu
录音师 Recording Engineer|刘哲麟 Chelin Liu、王文硕 Wenshuo Wang
录音室 Recording Studio|Shy Studio、7plusseven Studio
混音师 Mixing Engineer|郑皓文 Howard Tay
混音室 Mixing Studio|G5 Studio
母带后期工程师 Mastering Engineer|郑皓文 Howard Tay
母带后期录音室 Mastering Studio|G5 Studio
美术设计Graphic Designer|徐彻天 Chetien Hsu

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歌词 动态歌词

Through out midnight
Neon spotlight
Dancing city never falls into sleep
Through out midnight
Neon spotlight
Dancing city never falls into sleep
Lost in a train
Heading nowhere
Round and round we go
into the unknown
They shine
So bright
Into the night
Take my hand
There ain’t no stopping us
To go anywhere
Take my hand
Before the sun comes up
We are the rising stars
Destination of illusion
A creation from illustration
We’re heading down the road without knowing where to go
We’re heading down the road as free as your soul
Take my hand
There ain’t no stopping us
To go anywhere
Take my hand
There ain’t no stopping us
To go anywhere
Take my hand
Before the sun comes up
We are the rising stars

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