Dreams - Tokimeki Records Remix feat. Mandark
Dreams - Tokimeki Records Remix feat. Mandark

Dreams - Tokimeki Records Remix feat. Mandark


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Dreams - Tokimeki Records Remix feat. Mandark

Dreams - Tokimeki Records Remix feat. Mandark


发表时间 2023-04-12


Tokimeki Records, which launched its activities in summer 2019 with the concept of "working on nostalgic music in the urban nightbook", has covered Irish rock band The Cranberries' 1992 classic 'Dreams'. The song was produced by popular Hong Kong singer Faye Wong for
The song was covered by popular Hong Kong singer Faye Wong as the theme song "梦中人" for Wong Kar- wai's film Chungking Express, and became a big hit.
The vocalist is a member of the band [I Mean Us] and Sweet John, which combines various elements of post-rock, psychedelic rock, shoegaze and classical music based on Taiwanese dream pop to create an ethereal sound. I Mean Us] and Sweet John.
The arrangement is based on a dreamy sound that retains the nostalgia of the original song while adding a sense of newness, and Mandark's clear and beautiful voice adds to the sound, giving it an even greater sense of scale.
Tokimeki Records has been selected by Spotify as one of the 10 newest artists in Japan.
The band has been selected as one of Spotify's 10 new artists for "RADAR: Early Noise 2021" and has re- ceived over 25 million plays on Spotify, making them a hot topic not only in Japan but also among overseas listeners. In autumn 2022, they released their first original album 'Invisivle Girl’.

都会の夜の帐を舞台に、ノスタルジーな音楽を手がける" をコンセプトに
2019年夏に活动をスタートした Tokimeki Records が
アイルランドのロックバンド、クランベリーズ (The Cranberries)の1992年の代表曲“Dreams”をカヴァー。

ヴォーカリストには、台湾のドリーム・ポップをベースにポスト・ロック、サイケデリック・ロック、シューゲイザー、クラシックなど様々な要素を组み合わせ、幽玄的サウンドを作り上げるバンド【I Mean Us】や甜约翰(Sweet John)の
メンバーとしても活动する "Mandark" をフィーチャリング。

Tokimeki Recordsとしては、ドリーミーさをベースに

Tokimeki Recordsは、Spotifyが国内の新人アーティスト10组を
选出する“RADAR: Early Noise 2021”に选出されSpotifyの累计再生数も2500万再生を超え、日本のみならず海外リスナーの间でも话题になっており2021年11月30日に初の有観客&配信ライブとなる“トキメキ倶楽部”をキネマ倶楽部で开催。

Lyrics :Dolores O'Riordan
Music : Dolores O'Riordan
Arranged,Programmed by Tokimeki Records
Vocal : Mandark
Mixed  by : Julien Grandmontagne
Mastered  by : Alexis Eychenne

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All my life is changing everyday,
In every possible way.

Though my dreams, it's never quite as it seems,
Never quite as it seems.

I know I’ve felt like this before,
but now I'm feeling it even more,
Because it came from you.

Then I open up and see 
The person falling here is me,
A different way to be.


I want more,Impossible to ignore,
impossible to ignore.

And they'll come true 
Impossible not to do, impossible not to do.

And now I tell you openly, 
you have my heart so don't hurt me.
You're what I couldn't find.

A totally amazing mind,
so understanding and so kind
You're everything to me.

All my life is changing everyday,
In every possible way.

Though my dreams, it's never quite as it seems,
'Cause you're a dream to me
Dream to me.

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