Sigh of Green
Sigh of Green

Sigh of Green


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Sigh of Green

Sigh of Green


发表时间 2006-08-23


All I ever afraid to dream is living without peace
All I ever wanted to see is what I used to be

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A common day in a Monday morning
I'm looking for a place to sit
The news in the radio is complicated
Can't hear how many dies in a quake

Woo Woo

Mom says the world is becoming too crazy
Thinking how can I put my son to live
The news in the radio drives me crazy
I don't know if I'll die with peace

And now the sign of the world is depression (depression)
The heart is blue as sea
We are singing the songs of sorrow with passion
But I have no wonder for this

All I ever afraid to dream is living without peace
All I ever wanted to see is what I used to be

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