Get It
Get It

Get It

Hip hop / RapDef Hype

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Get It

Get It


发表时间 2008-07-13



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Get It

Go Shawty... Go Shawty... Go Shawty...
Like This... Like This... Like This...

When I see you in the club, girl... I'm gonna get it
Never gonna stop, girl... I'm gonna get it
Whatever you want, girl... I'm gonna get it

I'm a killer on this beat, from the West to the East
Shawty 想要开心 Baby girl looking me
谁说街头的诗人不懂 如何 Party
你想喝什么? 香槟红酒或 Bacardi?
Fat Joe 来敲门 你说 "Pimp My Ride"
But when you see me in the club "Jnco, Pimp My Wife"
但如果你很好奇 可以借你把玩
My Lipa is Soft, my Dog is Hot
After the party, I'll show you what I got
灵蛇出洞 巨蟒巨蟒
保持我的初衷 你去吧去吧
我不想要说 太多的废话
还没喝挂的 你还不能走
别逼我掏出我的凶器 举起你的手

When I see you in the club, girl... I'm gonna get it
Never gonna stop, girl... I'm gonna get it
Whatever you want, girl... I'm gonna get it

It's D-E-F H-Y-P-E
纯正的好货 台北的 City
对~ 还不到一年 Now you see me
我永远不会忘记 Who ever dissed me...
不只是饶舌 I'm good looking
只要讲到牛肉 I'm good cooking
Whatever you want, girl I could do it
Gimme a DV, damn i shoot the movie
I like your move 和你的香水
别担心规则 那是用来打破
夏威夷回来 Her name Queena
她的舞步打败飓风 Katrina
给我那个眼神 Yeah like that
很抱歉后来没有 call 你 Thats my bad

When I see you in the club, girl... I'm gonna get it
Never gonna stop, girl... I'm gonna get it
Whatever you want, girl... I'm gonna get it

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<P>haha, dont' get me wrong dawg,&nbsp; I love jin; he's no doubt the best freestyle rapper i have ever witness.</P>
<P>Plus, he is leading the pack, repping the asian in the rapping community in North America..</P>
<P>&nbsp;Just that, his track jsut dont' really sale and he made this one "club song" which .. personally i thought was quite a joke.. but either way.. i have mad respect for him.. </P>
<P>haha yea, i got tons of shit i am dealin w/ too but hopefully i can gather up enuff cash to rack up some real recording gears so i can just record whenever i want.. newai . how's standford man!?</P>


<p>haha.. finally someone in Taiwan that has the ability to make a real CLUB SONG.. </p><p>and this is even than Jin's dumbass "club song"... =)...&nbsp;</p><p>进了standford 歌词都变点了喔! haha..</p><p>&nbsp;i was jsut showing some of my buddies ur shit the other day.. everyone is amazed here.. u gota keep it going dude.. !</p><p>mad prop........ hopefully soon enuff i would catch up and make songs with u.. but b4 that..</p><p>一起加油吧 .. respect.. always bro! <br></p>


<P>又是another style</P>

