Emperor Star Gen2 紫薇星2.0 - Jeremy Hammony
Emperor Star Gen2 紫薇星2.0 - Jeremy Hammony

Emperor Star Gen2 紫薇星2.0 - Jeremy Hammony

ClassicalJeremy Hammony

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Emperor Star Gen2 紫薇星2.0 - Jeremy Hammony

Emperor Star Gen2 紫薇星2.0 - Jeremy Hammony

Jeremy Hammony 吉若米
Jeremy Hammony 吉若米

发表时间 2024-02-29


🔻Tracklist🔻曲目列表 🎵
01 00:00:00 人工智慧历史家 The AI Historians
02 00:04:10 紫薇星2.0 Emperor Star Gen2
03 00:08:16 新世界の指挥部 The New World Command
04 00:12:37 黎明の曙光 The Dawn in light
05 00:16:41 乱世英雄 Heroes of Troubled Time

✨ 向那些在乱世中奋斗、坚守信念的英雄致敬!💪


✨ Salute to those heroes who struggle and keep their faith in troubled times! 💪

When the music ends, everyone returns to the real world. They discovered that the "Blueboat" not only safely traveled through the mysterious star field, but also collected a large amount of unprecedented data. These data are not only a wealth of science, but also a treasure trove of human culture.


After the "Blueboat" successfully traveled through the unknown star territory, people began to share the story of "Emperor Star Gen2" on various planets. His name and his music spread throughout the universe at the speed of light.


Soon, a legend began to spread in the universe: it was a utopia where all living things coexist peacefully. In the galaxy, there is a real "Harmony Dreams". Many explorers and dreamers set out on their journey in the hope of finding this fabled place.

新世界の指挥部 | New World Command
Recording 2 - 19 - 24, 9.06.13 AM
''Harmony Dreams'' Listen Now 👉 https://youtu.be/_YTp-nneqOg?si=AiykrAsDn3sRjP0l

🎧 Jeremy Hammony Official

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📜 人工智慧历史家 - https://www.youtube.com/@The-ai-historians

#TheAIHistorians #EmperorStarGen2 #TheNewWorldCommand #TheDawninlight #HeroesofTroubledTime #人工智慧历史家 #紫薇星2.0 #新世界の指挥部 #黎明の曙光 #乱世英雄 #BLUEBOAT #JeremyHammony #吉若米

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