Goodbye My Friends
Goodbye My Friends

Goodbye My Friends

RockGraduation Song

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Goodbye My Friends

Goodbye My Friends


发表时间 2007-12-12


当时要毕业了, 可是我们一直不知道要唱什么歌, 所有的suggestions老师都不喜欢, 还大骂了我们一顿, 我一气之下写了这首毕业歌, 没想到会被采用...
我还记得写这首歌的那一个礼拜, 我整个人重感冒, 鼻塞又喉咙干, 声音难听的要命, 所以...唱的非常的糟糕...
编曲的钢琴部分有sanders帮忙, 词的2nd verse是wharton帮忙填的, 特别感谢

完成于 2007/05/19

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Friends, my friends
how long has it been?
do you still remember the first time we met?
Friends, my friends
what day is it today?
is this moment no different from our ordinary times?

Take my hands and sing with me
we have a whole new world to see
though we may not be heading the same way
it is this moment we cherish
Take my hands and promise me
that you will remember this
remember all the times we had together
and remember that I’ll be there when you need me

Friends, my friends
Keep our memories
The times we cried, the times we fought, the time that all passed by
Friends, my friends
Where will you be?
Is time an element that’ll break us apart?

Is this the end?
Will we not see each other anymore?
Goodbye my friends
From the bottom of my heart I wish you all the best (till the end)

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