#01 Will You Listen To It For A While
#01 Will You Listen To It For A While

#01 Will You Listen To It For A While

Singer / Songwriter2015

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#01 Will You Listen To It For A While

#01 Will You Listen To It For A While


发表时间 2015-01-28


(可不可以约)下星期天 English Version

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Talking about all the places here there and anywhere
Will it be any place you may care?
Talking about all the moments today and yesterday
Will we share tomorrow in some ways?

Shows on your TV set switches again
Which channel catches your eyes?
Your playlist replays again again
Is there any love song makes you cry?

Talking about all the small things in our lives
Could it be little bit longer just tonight?
Seeing around all the secrets we could find
Can I keep your smile by my side?

Shows on your TV set switches again
Which channel catches your eyes?
Your playlist replays again again
Is there any love song makes you cry?

Talking about all the small things in our lives
Could it be little bit longer just tonight?
Still singing this song here for thousand times
Will you listen to it for a while?

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