自我意识 ft. BG8LOCC 蛋头, Peatle, Drix, Ann
自我意识 ft. BG8LOCC 蛋头, Peatle, Drix, Ann

自我意识 ft. BG8LOCC 蛋头, Peatle, Drix, Ann

Hip hop / RapMellow Groove

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自我意识 ft. BG8LOCC 蛋头, Peatle, Drix, Ann

自我意识 ft. BG8LOCC 蛋头, Peatle, Drix, Ann

Tower da Funkmasta
Tower da Funkmasta

发表时间 2015-01-06


Verse 1 (BG8locc 蛋头)

当我提起手下笔 就认识到自己
所以我的歌词 写著不同的事情
那太多的思绪 理所当然的私欲
恳求自己的身心灵 能够得到治愈

它是纯粹的艺术 也是纯粹的暴力
Use it to earn money 让他们知道
从粉丝变成歌手 幕后的推手 是兴趣

人生太短暂 但是过程太缓慢
往前走 不怕难 就夹紧你卵蛋
太快或太慢 全部取决于你自己
life is a bitch 怎么能够轻言放弃

因为我相信 成功将接近
踏实的付出 前进 没有其他捷径
点清 我的现金 富裕 因为年轻
rich ass muthafucca, I try to be

Chorus1 (Ann)
I remember that old days
Singing for money every time and every where
Than I lost myself on the god damn stage
Where am I and
Who I am

Verse 2 (Drix)
We stand on our legs , we walk then run
Trying to burn the steps afraid to miss our time
We don't even know why but we just live as fast as we can
Too quick...and many explosions on the way like a firecracker
Anyway nowadays we have no time man, life is too crazy
Internet and one click , I travel from Asia to America
I ( I is not me I speak like I'm mister somebody ) wanna make music, some dope featuring
Wanna shoot crazy mv and make millions of views
I wanna be a star before to be an artist
So it's not a big deal if for some more likes I go naked on my pics
And anyway they all do the same
Seeking fame whatever the strategy
Afraid to be invisible in this too short life
Ready for everything , no rules anymore
Mister somebody : symbol of this generation
This was Drix , remaining unknown in your data

Chorus 2 (Ann)
One day
I quite my job and leave my place
To see the world
Find myself back
Freedom in my mind
Freedom in my heart
See the real world
Find myself back

Verse 3 (Peatle)

但心情总是游移 像有潮汐
它起伏不定 像是潮落又潮起
在服药之前 我总是隐藏愤怒
如果跟我一样 那你是该撑住
面对那些激将 抵御不要太匆促
压力迎面而来 把连带冲突找到出口
如果你们误会请住手 其他不解偏见请住口
从不侥幸 所以保持著自信
老天给的幸运 给我知己让我仔细

Chorus3 (Ann)
这样的回忆 这样的背景
没了生命力 没有了自己 我试著 去找寻
我试著唤起 我试著去聆听

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