一块地 A Piece of Land
一块地 A Piece of Land

一块地 A Piece of Land


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一块地 A Piece of Land

一块地 A Piece of Land

便当杂志 Bento Band
便当杂志 Bento Band

  • Song of the Day

发表时间 2017-12-23


music and lyrics by Bento Band 2017
This song is envisioning a society with a closer connection to nature where we grow our own produce, exchange goods and build a little wooden hut at the mercy of Mother Nature to blow it away. The chorus adds the idea of land rights how long ago if you stole land a storm will brew in the form of a new generation who won't forget the injustice done to blow you all away.
这首歌在设想一个与大自然关系更密切的社会,在这个社会中,我们种植自己要吃的植物,缺失的东西用交换的方式获得。在大自然中建造一座小木屋然后台风就把它吹走了。副歌的歌词会增加土地权利的想法,新一代不会忘记过去的不正义。 像个酝酿的风暴总有一天我们会把你们全都吹到。

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我想要一块地,想要一块地,做自己的事情。 (I want a piece of land, to do my own little thing)
我不要喷农药,因为要给家人吃。 (I won’t pollute the land because I need to feed my family)
双手挖土地,土地创造了你。 (My bare hands are digging the Earth, this Earth that created all of us)
我来盖个小小木屋,台风把它吹倒了。 (Let me build a little wooden house, to have a typhoon blow it all away, away)
台风来了,台风来了把我吹倒吹倒。 (A typhoon is coming to blow me away, away)
我想要一块地,想要一块地, 规模不用太庞大。 (I want a piece of land, nothing too fancy or grand)
我缺失的跟你换,(What I don’t have I’ll exchange with you)
我种的菜很健康。就是这么这么健康。 (See my produce is very healthy too)
台风来了,台风来了把我吹到吹到。 (A typhoon is coming to blow me away, away) 洪先生,在很久很久之前。 (Mr. Hung, a long, long time ago)
你把我我的地 从我手上抢走 (you took my land right from my hands)
你的地要还给我! 还给我! (and now you must return it to me, return it to me!)
台风来了,台风来了把我吹倒吹倒。 (A typhoon is coming to blow me away, away)

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