Shadow Dance
Shadow Dance

Shadow Dance


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Shadow Dance

Shadow Dance


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发表时间 2018-07-23


I traced the way you look on me , nomore twisted

I followed all my stupid thoughts ,nothing fear

The color is emerging oh it’s pale , faceless shadow

It’s warning that the dance steps in the wrong ,it’s all wrong

Misunderstood in your soul ,guiding to the wrong way of my hope

And it’s here,waving shaking dizzying in elsewhere your puppet perform

Stooged in the play turned out to be out

And it waschanging in your house

And it was changing all your faults

I was kidding in summary

It’s shadow play for your applause
I do enjoy in your tone in your soul

That is what a joy and sorrow mixed well

Coping with the beats, foaming to disappear

It’s a perfect no... ...

I traced the way you look on me , nomore twisted

I followed all my stupid thoughts ,nothing fear

The color is emerging oh it’s pale , faceless shadow

It’s warning that the dance steps in the wrong ,it’s all wrong

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