Gates of hell
Gates of hell

Gates of hell


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Gates of hell

Gates of hell


发表时间 2022-03-26

歌词 动态歌词

Prepare yourself for the trial.
Your struggle is futile.
Follow the path to the gate.
Cause that is the only way.

This is the realm of the dead.
A void space with no way back.
Prepare to meet your fate,
For there is no escape. ) - N

Whisperings in my mind,
divulging my disguise.
Breaking down all my shells,
leaving me devastated.
There’s no way back.
Leaving me devastated. - N

Look back on my past as I drowning in my sins. -力

There’s no way back, I’m bleeding out.
Everything around me fades into black.
Taken away by my own mistake.
All that is left is my broken faith.

There’s no way back, I’m bleeding out.
Everything around me fades into black .
Taken away by my own mistake.
All that is left is my broken faith.

Let the trial begin.
Put your heart on the scale.
Be not afraid, for there is no escape. - N

Blood runs through my hands.Feeling my heart goes fast.
I cannot hide my own fear.
Holding my heart with shame. Could not bear to face it.
My guilt is overwhelming me.
Fear runs through every bits of me.
Guilt is over-flooding me.
I’m drowning! - N

Take a sip of my old days of misery.
Agony seeping in as memories went back. -力

Unwinding all my thoughts Tranquilize my lost souls
Ohh ~ - 力

There’s no way back, I’m bleeding out
Everything around me fades into black
Taken away by my own mistake
All that is left is my broken faith

There’s no way back, I realize now
Every self remorse I had was fake
Taken away by my own mistake
All that is left is my broken faith] - 力

Step forward, face your fate.
Step forward, chose your gate.

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