US:WE - 彼岸之光 / The Other Shore of the Light (from US:WE 1st Album“黑潮 - Kuroshio”)
US:WE - 彼岸之光 / The Other Shore of the Light (from US:WE 1st Album“黑潮 - Kuroshio”)

US:WE - 彼岸之光 / The Other Shore of the Light (from US:WE 1st Album“黑潮 - Kuroshio”)

Alternative黑潮 - Kuroshio

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US:WE - 彼岸之光 / The Other Shore of the Light (from US:WE 1st Album“黑潮 - Kuroshio”)

US:WE - 彼岸之光 / The Other Shore of the Light (from US:WE 1st Album“黑潮 - Kuroshio”)


发表时间 2021-08-20


US:WE 直到看见鲸鱼的眼睛 1st Album“黑潮 - Kuroshio”

01. 黯光 / Dark light
02. 钙化 / Calcification
03. 云 / Cloud
04. 懦弱者日记 / a coward’s diary
05. 彼岸之光 / The Other Shore of the Light
06. 黑潮 / Kuroshio
07. 群鸟夜行 / Bird Flying at Night
08. 三分之ㄧ的天空 / One-Third of Sky
09. _180216 

about first full album‘黑潮 - Kuroshio’:
This album record ”US:WE“ for ten years of struggle and memory.
Hope you can feel us more from this album.
”顺著这股暖流 我将成为你的祈盼。/ Following this warm current, I will be your prayer and hope.“
- 黑潮 Kuroshio

US:WE 1st Album“黑潮 - Kuroshio”CD (22-015)
Released on 26th April, 2018 by 22RECORDS

关于 US:WE 直到看见鲸鱼的眼睛(until seeing whale's eyes)

“when the sun shines on us, we shine.”
成军十五年,历经多次团员更迭,2018年发行十年首张专辑作品《黑潮 - Kuroshio》后持续运作,至今尚未解散。

2009年自主发行首张单曲作品《失忆者的承诺/A Promise from an Amnesiac》。
2013年发表第二张单曲作品《水与血/water and blood》由22RECORDS发行。
2014年原中文团名〈直到看见鲸鱼的眼睛〉改为英文缩写"US:WE"(until seeing whale’s eyes)。
2018年发表成军十年首张专辑作品《黑潮 - Kuroshio》由22RECORDS发行。
2021年九月发表三方联合延伸作品辑《GLDN x PAKK x US:WE -“玖 / jiǔ”: 3-way split》由22RECORDS发行。

Late autumn of 2008 founded at Taipei, Taiwan.
In 2014, the original Chinese name "直到看见鲸鱼的眼睛" was changed to "US:WE”(until seeing whale’s eyes)
Experienced many members change in the past ten years, not dead yet.
Screamo/Hardcore Band from Taiwan.

失忆者的承诺 A Promise from an Amnesiac (1st EP) self-published - 2009
水与血 water and blood (2nd EP) released by 22RECORDS - 2013
黑潮 Kuroshio (1st album) released by 22RECORDS - 2018
GLDN x 팎 PAKK x US:WE -“玖 / jiǔ”: 3-way split released by 22RECORDS - 2021

Official Website:
US:WE - 太阳穴 Temple (Official music video):
US:WE - 黯光 Dark light (Official music video):

阿丹/Dan (Guitar/Vocal)|小维/WEi (Bass)|老猫/Austin (Drums)

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