27 Club
27 Club

27 Club


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27 Club

27 Club

The MUFF乐队
The MUFF乐队

  • Song of the Day

发表时间 2017-04-05


许多天才音乐人都在他们27岁时离开人世,Jimi Hendrix,Jim Morrison,Kurt Cobain ,Amy Winehouse等等都是“27岁俱乐部”的成员。他们的人生对于大部分乐迷与乐手来说是传奇,也是梦想的化身。
这个纸醉金迷的时代,许多人对于梦想这个词却变成了对所谓“成功”的标榜,有房、有车、月入X万、有个家庭,结婚生子,似乎因为这些,大家都忘记或失去了最初的梦想。儿时一直拿着画笔,梦想成为画家,捧着吉他,梦想成为Rock Star,或者说环游世界,周游列国,但都可能会因为成就这个所谓“成功”,坐进了办公室,每天对着电脑,获得了点头哈腰,阿谀奉承的技能。
The MUFF用这首《27 Club》向传奇和梦想致敬。

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I need a place that I can hang around 我想去一个地方躲藏
To hide away from those endless calls 一个不被打扰的地方
Steal the biggest diamond 偷走最大的钻石
Then should I run 然后消失

I need a place that I can fool around 我想去一个地方疗伤
And get as much as drinks I need 一个酒也是水的地方
Count my damply fingers 迷糊数不清手指
What was the fun 还挺好笑

Sing all the songs of glory 在故事结束之前
Then could we end this story 唱完这荣耀的歌
Drink all the whisky we have 在生命结束之前
Like never done before 喝完这未曾的酒
And now the end is near 可结局悄然已至

I need a place that I can hang around 我想去一个地方躲藏
To hide away from those endless calls 一个不被打扰的地方
Steal the biggest diamond 偷走最大的钻石
Then should I run 然后消失
Fight the biggest demon 打败心中的妖魔
Then should I run 然后消失

Sing all the songs of glory 在故事结束之前
Then could we end this story 唱完这荣耀的歌
Drink all the whisky we have 在生命结束之前
Like never done before 喝完这未曾的酒
Sing all the songs of glory 在故事结束之前
Then could we end this story 唱完这荣耀的歌
Drink all the whisky we have 喝完这未曾的酒

Sing all the songs of glory 在故事结束之前
Then could we end this story 唱完这荣耀的歌
Drink all the whisky we have 在生命结束之前
Like never done before 喝完这未曾的酒
Sing all the songs of glory 在故事结束之前
Then could we end this story 唱完这荣耀的歌
Drink all the whisky we have 喝完这未曾的酒

And now the end is coming 舞台已开始谢幕
When I can hide away 终点就在眼前
I’ll see you in another life 我们就从此再见

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