

RockVerbal Misery

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发表时间 2024-01-09


she brings me to there
cause I dont wanna see her face
everyone on the otherside who I judgemental
hates me,he knows

So many men from the hell
as i do
so many men from the end
as i do

“Don’t…don’t set me other side.”she said.
I don't even know who I am
under cover of the moonlight
I will leave

I helped you talk,I helped you think
But I really really really don’t know how I felt
“is that real?”
You say so
I wanted you,but you wanted her
So I really really really don’t know how you felt
I wanna stop


I helped you talk,I helped you think
But I really really really don’t know how I felt
“is that real?”
You say
I wanted you,but you wanted her
So I really really really don’t know how you felt
I don’t wanna stop

“Don’t…don’t set me other side.”she said.
I don't even know who I am
under cover of the sunrise
I will leave

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