Muséum【Into Innerverse 专辑先行单曲抢听】
Muséum【Into Innerverse 专辑先行单曲抢听】

Muséum【Into Innerverse 专辑先行单曲抢听】

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Muséum【Into Innerverse 专辑先行单曲抢听】

Muséum【Into Innerverse 专辑先行单曲抢听】

I Mean Us
I Mean Us

  • Song of the Day

  • 周排行冠军歌曲

  • 编辑推荐

发表时间 2021-09-15



作曲 Composer:杨咏淳 Vitz Yang|梁丹郡 Mandark Liang
作词 Lyrics:杨咏淳 Vitz Yang|曾国洵 Kuohsun Tseng
编曲 Arranger:I Mean Us
演奏 Performer:I Mean Us

主唱 Vocal:梁丹郡 Mandark Liang|章群 Chun Zhang
吉他 Guitar:杨咏淳 Vitz Yang|章群 Chun Zhang
合成器 Synthesizer:杨咏淳 Vitz Yang
鼓 Drums:吕佩蓬 PP L
贝斯 Bass:陈思翰 Hank Chen
合声 Chorus:梁丹郡 Mandark Liang|章群 Chun Zhang|杨咏淳 Vitz Yang
合声编写 Chorus Arranger:梁丹郡 Mandark Liang |杨咏淳 Vitz Yang

制作人 Producer:韩立康 LUB
鼓组录音师 Drums Recording Engineer:钱炜安 Zen Chien
鼓组录音室 Drums Recording Studio:112F Recording Studio
人声录音师 Vocals Recording Engineer:蔡周翰(@Lights Up Studio)
人声录音室 Vocals Recording Studio:BB Road Studio
其他乐器录音师 Other Instruments Recording Engineer:韩立康 LUB|沈冠霖 SHENB
其他乐器录音室 Other Instruments Recording Studio:阿康工作室|BB Road Studio

混音师 Mixing Engineer:黄文萱 Ziya Huang
混音录音室 Mixing Studio:Purring Sound Studio
母带后期处理工程师 Mastering Engineer:Greg Calbi|Steve Fallone
母带后期录音室 Mastering Studio:Sterling Sound

制作助理 Producing Assistant:赵宇晨
鼓录音助理 Drums Recording Assistant:陈祺龙 Chris Chen

艺术指导 Art Director:卢翊轩
电脑图形设计 CG Artist:张以得

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"There’s a frozen lake never taken
You and me were standing in the center
Without words
We’re just staring at each other
We were there
Like a secret

There's a hallway runs through the border
You and me were sticking around in a moment
Without words
We’re just staring at each other
We were there
Like a secret

All the things become clear now
Then I don’t know how to fix it
Hidden place round the corner
How to scream underwater

Suddenly awake from the end of the dreams
Floating above
Fall to the ground
Against the wall
Turn on the light
Suddenly awake from the end of the dreams

What if I told you I
still feel haunted all the time
What if we turned around
There’s nothing there?

Save me a ticket to our kingdom
I’ll share those things that we might remember
Cause you know
Part of me was left there forever
Young and fresh
As if we could"

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还在等鼠八踢Fy上线 先乃这边灌水+++ㄌ IMU冲冲冲

