Hey Girl
Hey Girl

Hey Girl

Pop我走指南路 EP

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我走指南路 WDZNR

  • Song of the Day

  • 周排行冠军歌曲

  • 编辑推荐

发表时间 2019-12-24


就是,赶快趁今晚,跟著这首歌轻快浪漫的摆动,带著心仪的对象到湖边,来一场复古甜蜜约会吧!(记得一起哼唱最后那段Hey babe❤️)
词 | 牛淳安

曲 | 牛淳安

编曲 | 我走指南路 WalkingDownZhinanRoad

Vocal/Keyboard | 牛淳安

Vocal/Guitar | 牛淳权

Drum | 施柏宽

Bass | 王子安

Guitar | 李威乐

制作人 | 赵宇晨

录音师 | 赵宇晨、黄炳喻

混音师 | 赵宇晨

录音室 | 北艺大IMPACT学程录音室

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歌词 动态歌词

Hey girl you should look into the mirror at your face
Let’s put on a smile that will never turn fake
Hey baby hey hey baby
Why don’t we go the the lake, some other day

I’ll bring my book and you’ll bring yours let’s slow down the pace
Duuduluduu all the time we can waste
Hey baby hey hey baby
Picture our perfect date, in the old fashion way

One, two, three, four, five
You will realize
I’m always by your side
Just say
One, two, three, four, five
I can’t deny
I’m in love with you
Since the first sight

Hey girl, you should look into the mirror just in case
“You are the fairest of all” it will say
Hey baby, hey hey baby
Why don’t we go the lake, some other day.

I’ll sing a song you’ll dance along
Let’s slow down the pace
Duduluduu, all the time we can waste
Hey baby, hey hey baby
Picture our perfect date, in the old fashion way

One, two, three, four, five
You will realize
I’m always by your side
Just say
One, two, three, four, five
I can’t deny
I’m in love with you
Since the first sight

Hey babe, hey babe~

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啊真的好好听 快火吧www这个声音太温柔了


节奏感很强 有中文翻译就更好了

我走指南路 WDZNR
